"The Accord" in perfumery refers to the melding of materials to create a balanced, unique scent. "L'accord" in French translates to, The agreement. The idea being the perfume blends created by L'accord agree with, or complement, both the feminine and masculine.

Featured Images

This project allowed me to do it all! Both Art direction and execution. From creating the concept and name to sourcing the stock images, videos, mock-ups, music, and fonts to designing the logo and every visual element, editing, and color grading the commercial, and finally recording the tagline in my own voice. This project was an absolute blast. I learned a ton, and I’m so pleased with the results!
Programs Used

<a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-psd/magazine-mock-up-design_1075019.htm#query=magazine&position=0&from_view=search&track=sph">Image by aleksandr_samochernyi</a> on Freepik
Gorgeous Raw Photopgraphy and Video courtesy of cottonbro studio - https://www.pexels.com/collections/in-the-rye-yxiptwp/